Speech delivered at the 7th All Youths Awards, 2015

Ladies and gentlemen,

It gives me pleasure to associate with this event. I congratulate the organisers of Tush Awards and celebrate with all the nominees and winners in the different categories. I am indeed very excited.

A have a simple task of speaking on the topic ‘Invest Wisely, Invest Young’. This is a topic that is apt at this time of our economic and political evolution. The situation we find ourselves now present opportunity for us to create wealth – become entrepreneurs in our little ways.  This cannot happen except we get into an ‘investment mind-set’.

First let me start with a simple definition of ‘Investment’. It can be defined as a devoting, using, or giving of time, talent, emotional energy, finances etc., for the purpose of achieving something or a goal. When you invest, you get something better in future. 

In the context of our discussion today, it will mean the devoting or giving of your money for the purpose of future gains. It has to do with parting of something that is of value to you, in this case your hard earned money or talent, for the purpose of turning same around for more.

Three 3 things jump out from this definition:

There has to be a parting of something (valuable) you own or have access to
It must be something you have the ability of getting on a regular basis and
·        There is a desired result for the putting away of the valuable.

This is beginning of wealth creation. So what is Wealth? It’s an abundance or profusion of anything. In this case, plenty amount of money or resources. 
You must invest in an endeavor to create wealth. This is can be achieved through different legitimate ways / means but it must be entered into carefully.
     You can save part of your earnings in a bank account
·        You can invest in a business idea that you believe in 

We are living today in the greatest age in all of human history. There have never been more opportunities for wealth creation. It is a great season for youths to achieve more of your financial goals. With the explosion in information, technology and competition, the number of possible things that you could do to be successful is expanding every day, week, month and year. We just must search it out and make the right move.

Some points to note:  

Point One: Look for the right / new opportunities for wealth creation:
The major factor driving our society today is the impact of change at all levels. And every single change in our economy creates new opportunities and possibilities for the creative minority to move ahead faster than the average person. 
Remember the Latin saying, “Carpe Diem!?” It means, “Seize the Day!” 
This is what we must do. We must “Seize the day!” we must plunge in with both hands up to the elbow and take advantage of every opportunity and possibility going on around us to create the wonderful life that is possible for all of us today.

Secondly: Realise that nothing worthwhile really happens by chance.

I started work at the age of 18, fresh from secondary school. Schooled while working and endured the necessary hardship to realise my dreams. It was not easy but I pushed myself and with God on my side, made it to where I am today. One bitter lesson I learnt was that of planning my salary to take me through the month. We simply just spent what we got in believing that our friends will help us out. I once found myself in a situation where my salary was gone with 5 days and i asked an older friend for support. He did not give me any money but he asked me some question that got me thinking. Question one was - Are still working at Guinness? I said, yes. Has Guinness gone bankrupt? I said, No. I didn't wait for the next question because it was clear to me where he was headed. I did not just commence planning my expenses but began to put a little away for the rainy day. That is investment.

Point Three: Live by Success Habits
People are unhappy and frustrated because they neglect to do the things that successful people do. The most important thing you do at the outset of your career, or at any time during your career, is to find out what the most successful people are doing in your chosen area and then do the same things, over and over again until you start to get the same results. It is no miracle, it is no accident, it is as predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

Point Four: Choose to become financially independent:
One of the goals that we all have in common is that we all want to be financially independent. We all want to have enough money so that we never have to worry about money again. You want to build a financial fortress around yourself. You want to make a high income, get out of debt, put money in the bank and have the ability to do the things you want without being preoccupied about the costs. The only question is, “are you going to do it or not?”

By setting financial accumulation and financial independence as your career goals, and then by making a plan on the one hand to get better and better at what you do while on the other hand investing more and more of what you earn, you will become financially independent and an astute wealth creator.

You cannot create wealth without investing. You cannot invest without being productive. When you produce or make profit and you put away some for further production, then you are creating wealth 

When you look for new opportunities and seize them, you will be able to find financial success in all aspects of your life. 

Thank you for listening to me.

Ikechukwu Kalu
Chief Executive Officer / Lead Consultant at Customer Passion Point Limited (CPPL)
House 10a Femi Okunu Estate Phase 2, Jakande, Lekki, Lagos.
Tel: 0803 200 2458 | Email: ikechukwu.kalu@cppl.com.ng | Skype: ike.kalu1 | Twitter: @ikechuk | Instagram: #ike_kalu


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