
Showing posts from September, 2019

Ethics, Protocols and Relationship Between Co-workers

Recently, I was privileged to facilitate an interesting discussion on Ethics, Protocols and Relationship between Co-workers at a strategy session organised by one of my very esteemed clients. It was a great session, considering the positive feedback from a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey done after the session. We started the discussion with a critical review of a popular quote ‘‘Organizations must accelerate, or they will die’’. It was a good ice breaker, as this got everyone thinking. We then looked at what drives an organisation forward and it became clear that not much can be achieved in an organisation without the members understanding and living out its core values and core purpose.  The Core values, represent ‘ The Truths’ -  what the organisation stands for while the ‘Core Purpose’ is really about what the organisation was created to accomplish. The two are very critical factors that usually remain unchanged over a period of time. That is why they must form the