As I Prepare For 2018

When I consider my history and how God has helped me to navigate through life, I cannot deny the grace of God that is upon my life and has been manifesting in my career and journey in the market place. I appreciate and talk about it as a way of giving glory back to God. I constantly review my past so I can be properly instructed. Yes I forget what is behind me and press on to what is in my future. However, I must have an understanding of what made or marred any aspect of what I did or did not do to get here. I ended the year on a high and am truly looking forward to an exciting and goal-driven 2018. I want it to be a year that is well spent. I want to live a ‘called life’. I want to be productive. I want to be properly guided. I want to excel in the true sense of the word. As I prepare for 2018, I am instructed by the conversation between Jacob and Esau when Jacob was returning home after his stay with Laban “And he said, Let us take our journey, and let us go, and I w...