What Will Value Creation Look Like In The Future?
A friend read my post on Facebook which says "As there are an enormous (and ever-increasing) set of possible ways to create value, how do we decide which type to pursue? Is each way of creating value as useful to us as another?”. He reviewed it carefully and shared his thoughts which are captured thus ‘On a broader perspective, I believe values that should be pursued should be values that promote customer loyalty to a company's brand whilst expanding her customer base. Though values created for customers may differ from one company to another, there is a general basis for creating impactful and profitable customer value. They include (but not limited to) excellence, quality and empathy. I would say yes, because value creation is intricate in nature as it is the result of a comprehensive network of strategies backed up with sound implementation. Some ways of creating values may seem to be "less" important to a company than others but it is upon these l...